A record 117 members and guests were welcomed to our AGM on 15 March 2023. Guests included Cr Anna Chen, Manningham Council, Mark Chang, Community Venues Officer for Manningham Council and Sally Brennan, General Manager of Pines Learning Centre.
The meeting formally endorsed the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statement, copies of which are still available on request from the office.
As well, the expansion of the Committee of Management to include the executive members plus 8 members was endorsed. This means that the COM now has three newly elected members, Douglas Wallace, Neville Cook and Quintin Coutinho. The new members were warmly welcomed and congratulated and we look forward to their bringing new life and ideas to our organisation.
Bryce Normoyle is back on the Committee as Treasurer. He served on COM from 2006 to 2016, being President (2010 – 2015) and Treasurer (2006 – 2010, then 2012 – 2016). Welcome back, Bryce!
Our 2023 Committee of Management:
Vice President:
Ordinary Members:
David McNamara
Shirley Fung
Bryce Normoyle
Lyn Davies
Robyn Buttling, Milly Ching, Ruth Foxwell, Terry Smith,
Warwick Wright, Douglas Wallace, Neville Cook and Quintin Coutinho
The highlight of the AGM was the presentation of awards. U3A Manningham now has another three new Life Members. They are:
· Noel Wright for significant contribution as a past Treasurer, past Auditor and long-term Dance tutor.
· Geoff Sheldon, past President, who took us into the technology age that has enabled us to streamline so many of our processes. As well, his work throughout the broader U3AM community was acknowledged. Geoff is also a highly regarded French tutor.
· Tanya Gogorosis, has been a stalwart of our organisation since 2006 as Curriculum Coordinator, acting as Curriculum Manager when Milly Ching had to stand aside for personal reasons, and with a continuing role on the Curriculum Committee. Tanya is also our representative on the Manningham City Council’s Advisory Committee on Dementia and is a co-opted COM member.
A standing ovation was given to these highly deserving members. Congratulations to all.
The Newsletter team of Liew Staras, Frances Langdon and Jillian Gange was recognised for the communication process and newsletters that keep us informed, which was particularly important during the Covid lockdowns. Neville Cook, our new Webmaster, was also recognised for his work in establishing the new look newsletter.
At the conclusion of the meeting, a light luncheon was served by our Catering and Functions team, a great social afternoon was had by all.
Thank you for your support and continued participation.
David McNamara