Migrant English Tutors’ Meeting

Seated (L to R): Sylvia Panayis, Seok Ch’ng, Sim Ng, Joan Creber, Bridget Halge (Program Founder), Lorraine Gill, Mary Kwei, Foong Sim Chin (Coordinator)
Standing (L to R): Kong Yep, Pam Watson, Marg McCrohan, Hilda Frazzetto, Carol Down, Lyn Frankish, Karen Ng, Ken Coleman (Assistant Coordinator), Patricia Liew, Jenny Madeley, Liew Staras, Bernie Lam, Allin Han, Dorothy Di Battista, Daniela Cursio, Helen Hinz

The first of two meetings for the year was held on 1 February to enable tutors to catch up and exchange ideas for the year ahead.

Tutors Marg McCrohan and Kong Yep each gave extremely interesting presentations on useful tutoring strategies and resources they had developed to assist their respective learners, who have very different English learning needs.

Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation by David McNamara, President U3A Manningham

Many of our tutors have been teaching English to migrants for many years, and to thank them and recognise their service to the community, Certificates of Appreciation were awarded for the first time in 2022 to six tutors for 10+ years, and 19 tutors for 5+ years of service.

This year, David McNamara very kindly attended the meeting to present certificates to three more tutors who have provided 5+ years, Lyn Frankish, Carol Down and Alexander (Sandy) Robb (who unfortunately was unable to attend).

In presenting the certificates, David thanked all tutors and congratulated them on the wonderful and important service they provide to those wishing to improve their English, and especially in the valuable role they play representing U3A in the wider community.

We are always seeking tutors!

The Migrant English Program is now in its 23rd year as a significant outreach program offered by U3A Manningham. Over the years our volunteer tutors have assisted a great many members of our community from non-English speaking backgrounds to improve their English language skills. We are continually receiving requests for tutors and presently have 10 potential learners on a waiting list. Being a Migrant English tutor is a very rewarding experience and we would like to encourage any interested U3AM members to consider joining the Program.

The only requirement is to enrol in the training course, Workshop for Migrant English Tutor Training, listed under Courses Information, Special Project, on our U3AM website. The course is conducted on Thursday afternoons (1:30 to 4:20PM) over the first six weeks in Term 3, from 13 July to 17 August, and is open to all U3AM members, there being no formal pre-requisites for enrolment. You can enrol now!

Enquiries can be emailed to the Migrant English Program  mailbox at manunipines@gmail.com or by contacting:

Foong Sim Chin (Ms)                                          
Mobile: 0419 385 972                                         
Ken Coleman
Assistant Coordinator             
Mobile: 0400 044 451