Communication Positions Vacant

Maintaining high quality communication is essential in keeping our members informed and engaged. 

To that end, the Communications Team is seeking volunteers to take responsibility for the following positions:

  • Communications Editor – preparing and editing material provided by others for newsletter and website publication. 

  • Website Assistant – assisting with the publishing of news material on the website and by email to all members.

Communications Editor

The editorial group prepares material provided by U3A members and managers for publication on the website and/or by email to all members. This will involve content checking, proofreading, rewording where appropriate, and preparation of a short excerpt to introduce the item on the website.

Website Assistant

The Website Assistant would post material prepared by the editorial team on the website and/or email to members as appropriate. The website uses WordPress software with a template provided by the U3A network, so no coding or programming is required. Some experience with WordPress or with websites in general would be useful but is not essential as the software would not be difficult to learn and use for someone with general IT experience – it would be similar to learning to use Publisher or PowerPoint, for example.

Both these positions play a key role in the U3AM Communications Team. For both positions the time commitment would be regular but not onerous.

If you are interested in either of these positions or would just like more information about them, please contact me by replying to this email at

Neville Cook

Communications Manager and Webmaster