News from the Office

2024 is well under way and our members are continuing to enjoy the many activities that U3A provides.

During Term 2 we will be collecting non-perishable food for Doncare, which assists many families in the Manningham area who struggle to put food on the table. Please put a couple of extra packets and cans into your trolley when shopping and leave them with the office volunteers.  This food is then taken to the Doncare office for distribution.

All members must wear their name tag in every class they attend and while in the Pines building.  If you do not have a name tag, please enquire at the office; it may be waiting for you to pick up.  All new members receive a lanyard and name card free of charge.  If you lose your lanyard, you can order a new one at the office for $5.  There is no charge to replace the name card, but you must order it.  Please make sure your emergency details on the back of the card are up-to-date and easy to read.

Robyn Buttling

Office Manager