Tutor – Zak Fakhri
Date and Time – Wednesday 8 March 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Venue – Westerfolds Park
Course description and details
Easy medium 8 km walk ramble through parklands and along Yarra River, mostly flat walk for approximately 3 hours. Meet at Westerfolds Park first car park near the toilet, off Porter Street (Melway 33E3) at 8:50am for 9:00am start.
Please bring water and morning tea, lunch (optional after the walk). Hat and sunscreen as required. If it is a total fire ban day this will be cancelled.
Places are limited (15), if you are interested please send an email to Milly at milly.ching@gmail.com to reserve a place. Please include full name, email address and contact number.
If enough interest is expressed by members this course will be offered in future on a regular basis.
Milly Ching
Curriculum Manager