Understanding Dementia

Hello to all at U3A Manningham,

The Understanding Dementia MOOC (massive open online course) will be opening
on 7th February 2023, and we need your help in promoting this FREE online course
from the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre to your members.

Dementia has a profound impact on individuals, families and communities, posing
significant challenges to quality of life. The number of people with dementia across the
world increases every year as our global population ages, and dementia is fast
becoming known as the public health concern of the 21st Century.

We appreciate your assistance in helping us spread the word about this valuable
learning opportunity.

Ways to let others know

Course details

  • It’s FREE and you can enrol today
  • Course opens on Tuesday 7th February 2023
  • Duration is 7 weeks, with an estimated effort of 3 hours per week
  • You can study day or night, on your smartphone, tablet or computer
  • Receive a personalised certificate on completion
  • Course content includes how the brain is affected by the diseases that causedementia, symptoms, diagnosis, stages and management, and personal andcarers’ perspectives of living with dementia

Enrolments are now open at mooc.utas.edu.au

Find out more and enrol

“I thoroughly enjoyed this course and have learnt so much more aboutdementia than I already knew. I would highly recommend this to anyoneinterested. It would also be a great course for dementia caregivers and support staff.”

Miriana, past Understanding Dementia MOOC participant

Thank you for taking the time to read about the Understanding Dementia MOOC. We hope to see you and members of your network in the course soon.

Kind regards,