Membership FAQ

MyU3A Membership and Enrolment Help

Open MyU3A Help, a pdf document guiding you through the use of the MyU3A system to renew your membership and enroll in classes.

Will I have to pay any other fees or charges?

There are no additional enrolment fees for individual classes or activities. For some courses, there may be a small extra charge for materials.  If your course or group includes attendance at outside events, such as a concert or lunch, these are an additional cost at your own expense.

 I can’t use the online system. How do I join?

You can phone or visit the office during office hours and an office volunteer will help you. 

See contact details and map here.

Download a Membership Application Form here.

I have lost my password. How do I retrieve it?

Go to the Member Login page and click on the [Forgot Password/id] button. You will be asked to enter your email address your password will be emailed to you at that address.

Membership Badge

Your membership badge makes it easy for tutors and other members to get to know you. It includes details of your emergency contact in case of accident or illness.  It also shows your Membership ID number, which you’ll need to login to MyU3A and enroll in courses. Please wear it at all times when at a U3AM activity.

If you are a new member or have mislaid your badge, you can collect one from the office. 

Membership Fee Refunds

We are always sorry when members are unable to attend their selected classes. If that does occur and you wish to apply for the refund of your membership fee, a request may be submitted at any time during the membership (calendar) year.

Please note that a member will only be eligible for a membership fee refund if he/she has not been accepted into any classes in which he/she has enrolled and is not currently in arrears on any fees payable to U3A Manningham. As well, special or extenuating circumstances (especially early in the membership year) may be considered and must be submitted in writing to the Treasurer either by email ( or a letter which can be left at the office.

Membership refund forms are available from the office or may be downloaded here. Please ensure that the form is properly completed and signed and contains sufficient information for the request to be assessed and processed effectively.

Once a refund has been approved, the membership is revoked and the person will be removed from all waiting lists and will cease to be a member of U3AM, and therefore, will no longer be eligible to attend any classes or organised events of U3AM. Upon membership cessation, a new application will have to made should you decide to rejoin in the future.

Information on how to communicate enrolment problems

Our Enrolments Team is very happy to assist Members with any enrolment problems they may have. However, it is important that enrolment queries only be communicated in either of the following two ways:

By leaving a handwritten message at the U3A office. Such a message must be written on a message form (available at the office) which must be dated and signed. The office personnel will ensure that the message is put into the appropriate pigeonhole. Please note that only messages that are signed and dated will be followed up by the Enrolments Team.

By email using either of the following U3A Manningham enrolment email addresses:

  • General enrolment email address – To be used for all queries regarding classes, waitlists, enrolling in or withdrawing from a class (when this is not able to be actioned by the member online), applying for a refund, updating contact details including changes of email addresses. Also Tutors wishing to close or increase the size of a class.
  • Enrolment Help email address – To be used for queries or problems members and/or class reps may have regarding enrolments or marking rolls online, as well as any other enrolment assistance required. Enrolment Help acts as an assistant to the Enrolments Officer.

If your enrolment queries are submitted in either of these ways, they will be received and acted upon promptly.