Migrant English

Migrant English Tutors’ Meeting in August – Full Report

The second meeting of Migrant English Tutors was well attended and provided an excellent opportunity for existing and newly trained tutors to join in the discussion of general matters relevant to Migrant English Tutors, especially proposals for ‘sharing the load’ in the administration of the program.


Migrant English Tutors’ Meeting in August

The second meeting of Migrant English Tutors was well attended and provided an excellent opportunity for existing and newly trained tutors to join in the discussion of general matters relevant to Migrant English Tutors.


Patricia Liew Shares Her Tutoring Experience

I have been a U3AM Migrant English tutor for more than six years. While I really enjoy helping my learners to improve their English, a real eye-opener for me is what I have learnt from the migrants in regard to their culture and the challenges they face in settling into Australia.


Migrant English Tutors’ Meeting

The first of two meetings for the year was held on 1 February to enable tutors to catch up and exchange ideas for the year ahead.

Tutors Marg McCrohan and Kong Yep each gave extremely interesting presentations on useful tutoring strategies and resources they had developed to assist their respective learners, who have very different English learning needs.


Migrant English Program

The Migrant English Program is an outreach community service run by U3A Manningham. Our tutors help people who wish to improve their speaking, listening and understanding in English. Your tutor will usually meet you once a week for about an hour. This service is FREE. Our tutors are volunteers and do not get paid.