Positions Vacant: Treasurer and Assistant to Treasurer

Urgently seeking a Treasurer and Assistant to the Treasurer

The U3A Committee of Management is in urgent need of a Treasurer.

U3AM is a not-for-profit organisation that is run like a small business, although financial management requirements are much simpler than in other businesses.

The Treasurer can choose to be supported by an assistant or a team of assistants to share out tasks.

Financial information and tasks have been uploaded to a laptop with ready-to-use templates for the new Treasurer. Additionally, the new Treasurer will be eased into the role by the current Treasurer for as long as it takes to become familiar with the tasks involved.

Please consider stepping forward to fill the position of Treasurer or Assistant to the Treasurer to avoid outsourcing of  financial services, thus increasing costs that may have a flow-on effect.

Please address expressions of interest for the positions of Treasurer or  Assistant to the Treasurer to me at:  manunipines@u3amanningham.org.au

Shirley Fung

President U3A Manningham