News from the Office

My thanks go to all office volunteers who have spent time helping out in our office this year. Special thanks to my Office Committee members – Tess Gibbs, Matty Ng, Samuel Kwok, Nola Day, Myriam Frawley, Mary-Ann Liethof, Liz Wood and Jim Walsh. I hope you all know how much you are appreciated. Current office volunteers will receive an email from me shortly advising them of when they need to come in and enrol for our 2025 office roster. I hope to see you all then.

Just a reminder that we are still collecting non-perishable food for Doncare. Many of our neighbours need help every week putting food on the table for their families. Please ensure that the food you give is still within its use-by date and please only leave food at the office. Any other items you wish to donate should be taken directly to an op shop.

Any member who has a query for our enrolment team should send an email to .This will get a quicker response than leaving a message with the office staff who then have to pass this message on to enrolments.

Remember to wear your name badge at all times during classes and be sure to read all omails and messages sent to you from U3AM. I look forward to our enrolments for 2025.

Robyn Buttling
Office Manager