Equipment Housekeeping — We Need your Cooperation!

U3A Manningham provides a range of equipment for use by all the membership. It is imperative that members look after this equipment to ensure it is functioning well for the next user.

There have been several instances in the last few months where equipment has been lost and/or mislaid, or it has been returned in a less than satisfactory state.

To minimise the above and to ensure all members have working equipment to use, please adhere to the following basic housekeeping rules:

  1. Treat all U3A Manningham equipment as if it was your own.
  2. Return all equipment used during classes to its original location at the conclusion of the class. If you pass a piece of equipment to the next tutor, please remind them of the correct place for its return after their class.
  3. Return equipment turned off/shut down correctly so that it is in a fit state for the next user. Pay particular attention to speakers and microphones to ensure they are shut down or turned off completely as they can cause feedback problems when placed in the cupboard close together.
  4. For equipment with rechargeable batteries (for example: microphones, hearing enhancement equipment) that is found to have flat batteries, replace the batteries with freshly charged ones found in the box on the shelf in cupboard 13b.
  5. If rechargeable batteries are replaced, ensure the flat ones are placed in the battery charger to recharge them so they are ready for the next person’s use.

Please Note: Do not place non-rechargeable batteries in the battery charger, as this will cause a fire hazard. Non-rechargeable batteries are available from the Office when required. If in doubt, ask someone!

  • If any piece of equipment is found to be faulty during operation, report this fact to the Office staff who will raise a maintenance request for the Equipment Manager to investigate, and tag the equipment accordingly so others do not use it.
  • Requests for any new equipment should be made in writing and passed to the Equipment Manager for consideration by the U3A Manningham Committee of Management.

On a closing note, as a courtesy to fellow members, please lift chairs and tables when moving them in the classroom environment as the noise made by scraping them across the floor can be heard in other rooms, which is detrimental to class harmony.

Andrew Barnett
Equipment Manager