President’s End of Year Message

Dear Members,

As we approach the end of the year, I believe this is a good time to cast our minds back to all that we have achieved together. U3A Manningham prides itself in the large number of generous volunteers, all willing to give of their time and their effort. It is because of the dedication and collaboration of our wonderful teams of volunteers, all chipping in to do their part, that U3AM has been able to run smoothly as a coordinated whole.

At U3AM we have been able to make available to our members a wide range of courses aimed at stimulating and challenging body, mind and spirit, and the variety continues to increase, ensuring there is something for everyone. The best added value of U3AM is the warm and friendly ambience that imbues a sense of community among our members.  My thanks to everyone for their contribution.

Artistic Showcase and UniFest

Our year ended at a high point on 28th November, with the Artistic Showcase, where the talents of our members were manifested in an exhibition of their exquisite art and craft work. Thanks to Liew Staras and her team for their hard work in making this special event possible. On the same day U3AM staged uniFEST, which made it a day of double celebration. At uniFEST the collaboration of members and tutors treated us to varied genres of singing, dancing and instrumental performances.

My thanks to uniFEST organisers John Liew and Peter Simonson. I appreciate their time and effort in making the day so very successful. We were treated to morning tea and luncheon, thanks to Graeme Martin and team. Thanks to Graeme and his team, especially to the large number of volunteers who arrived very early in the morning to set up the furniture for Artistic Showcase and uniFEST and to prepare refreshments for the day.  My thanks to Andrew Barnett for managing the required equipment and to Trish Gilbert and Paul Kertes for photographing the memorable moments of the day. A big “thank you” to all the participants in the Artistic Showcase and the performers at uniFEST for jointly making the day an especially enjoyable one for all of us.

Special thanks to the Committee of Management

There is one group of volunteers that works quietly and unassumedly in the background every day of the year to manage matters both big and small, ensuring the smooth operation of our organisation. This is the Committee of Management. I thank every member of the Committee for their hard work and for supporting me in my role as President.

Best wishes for the holiday season

May I conclude by wishing all our members a happy and restful holiday season.  Looking forward to seeing everyone again next year.

With my warmest wishes,

Shirley Fung
