Downsizing course available on Zoom

Downsizing is a 6-week course which will be run as a hybrid course with members both onsite and on ZOOM. All onsite places at The Pines have been exhausted, but ZOOM places are available. The sessions will also be recorded and made available to all members.

Course Details

  • Course Title:   Downsizing your home and looking forward to a better life.
  • Course  Code: 09869 01
  • Date & Time: Thursdays at 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm for 6 weeks commencing on 4th May 2023


This 6-week short course helps participants to explore downsizing and planning for the next move in life.  Information will be provided by experts in various areas including planning, decision making and financial planning for the move.  Different topics are covered each week.

Week 1: Rightsizing your home for the next chapter in life and downsizing to a better life.

Week 2: Move with ease.  Tips on how to understand your needs and make a plan.

Sorting your items, what to keep and what to do with the rest, packing tips and who can support you.

Week 3: Personal life coach  walks you through dealing with the emotional side of downsizing.

Week 4: Financial planning in retirement.

Week 5: Making informed plans for the next steps.

Week 6: Highlights and discussion on the topics covered.

Zoom Link and Arrangements

Meeting ID: 864 1289 3977

Passcode: IpadManU3A

As there are over 85 participants attending this course I would appreciate your help in ensuring all goes well for all attendees. When you login on Zoom can you please ensure that you put yourself on Mute so as not to disturb the session. If you have any questions, can you please enter them into the chat and I will endeavour to get them answered by the presenter. You can also send me your questions and I will tabulate them all and we will discuss them on the final Q&A session. When the recording starts and if you don’t want to be visual turn off your Video.

For further information contact:

Pauline DiNatale: