For the second time in two months, we at Manningham U3A are experiencing software problems with our computer software program, MyU3A. This current outage began on July 23 and is continuing.
The most obvious issues are:
· Class reps being unable to mark the class rolls.
· Members unable to enrol or withdraw from classes, or unable to enter apologies for their absences from classes.
· Members unable to see in which classes they are enrolled online, although they are still enrolled in their classes.
This is a source of much concern and frustration to your Admin team and the Committee of Management, as it is seriously affecting the operation of Manningham U3A. As far as we can tell, the problems are purely programming issues and NOT the result of online computer hacking activity. All data stored in MyU3A is secure.
The computer programmers are working to get us back online as early as possible, but at this stage, all I can do is sincerely apologise to all members on behalf of the Committee of Management and our Admin team for these issues, and will advise as soon as we are back online.
Doug Wallace
Enrolments and Data Management