Ruth’s working life until retirement saw her employed mainly in the legal arena commencing as a legal secretary for a Mildura barrister. After marrying and raising a family, her eventual employment with a national court reporting company spanned more than 30 years where she held the positions of Production Manager, Victorian Manager, Regional Manager (Vic/Tas/WA) and upon retirement in 2005, was National Manager (Client Relations).
Ruth’s employment involved travel interstate and overseas. She was a member of a team working for DFAT to cover a treason trial in Suva and later was involved in training staff for the High Court of Fiji.
Ruth gained a Diploma of Business (Management) from RMIT University as a mature aged student in 1994.
Ruth joined U3A Manningham in 2012 and has always been community minded. She commenced her involvement helping others, firstly as a leader in a country Scouts group, positions on school committees, Lions International and was President for several years of a local VIEW Club that raised funds for disadvantaged children.